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Educational Program

group of students and staff standing outdoors, in the shape of the letter M


MSAD believes in the ASL/English Bilingual philosophy, where licensed Deaf/Hard of Hearing teachers, who are fluent in both American Sign Language (ASL) and English provide instruction and life experiences to develop the whole child growth through the use of both social and academic language. MSAD recognizes that ASL is the most accessible language for our students and through the use of visual/spatial means, students are presented with clear, complete, and consistent access to linguistic and curricular information. Fluency in ASL provides a foundation of language knowledge and skills that supports students' access to developing skills in English (reading, writing, speaking and listening) allowing for greater growth in reading/writing proficiency and increasing academic success. MSAD's bilingual philosophy includes an emphasis on Deaf culture, as well as supporting the multiple cultural identities of each individual child.

MSAD also believes that family involvement is paramount to providing quality education for every student. The family is the first and most influential teacher in the life of a child, a fact of even greater significance to families of deaf children. We strive to involve families in the education of their children and in the improvement of the educational process.